Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lack of sleep

In recent weeks/months I've noticed that I'm not sleeping much. It's not that I have too much on my mind or anything, it's more that M is working late nearly every day. Work has been really busy for her, and, trying to be a good husband, I've been staying up to wait for her to get home. Aside from the general lack of energy and zombie-like movements during work, I feel mostly okay. Of course, I don't really exercise much anymore since I'm so tired, my cleaning around the apartment has dipped severely, and I think overall I don't do much beside sit around when I get home due to lack of energy.

I don't really know how much longer I can hold up doing this. I've found that I'll sometimes pass out randomly while at home, and that probably helps me stay awake at night, but this really can't be healthy. Eh, I really don't know what the point is, but as you can probably tell from the time stamp, it's been another long night...