Friday, August 3, 2012

Happiness List - 08.02.2012

Every month I try to reboot the process to overhaul my life for the better.  August didn't start out that well, with a late night at work, lots of time entries that I started way too late, and just sheer exhaustion.  I really need a mental health day.  And to appreciate the little things that make me happy.  Today's list:

1.  Seeing former coworkers at a goodbye party.  Reminded me of what I think of as the "golden age" of my time at the firm.  It was before the economy crashed, when things were good, before the dismal reality of the industry set in to my mind.  It was the largest our group had ever been but there was lots of work, and everyone clicked both on professional and personal levels.  Seeing everyone reminded me of how much time has passed and how people have moved on and how things used to be, but it was also nice to have that memory.

2.  I went on an unsubscribe binge after claiming my Outlook email address this morning.  I'm trying to separate the emails I get by priority and by mailbox to try to keep life in order.  To do this, I ended up unsubscribing from a number of different email lists that I don't even know why I was still on.  For example, a political party in a state far away from here that I don't live in and have never even visited.  I don't need to be on the list.  I deleted the emails constantly.  Why didn't I just unsubscribe?  In some other cases, I didn't mind the emails but there was no way for me to change the address on file so I just unsubscribed.  Felt good to preemptively mentally declutter my inbox.

3.  Followed the women's gymnastics all-around on twitter and news site liveblogs to find out that Gabby Douglas won.  Yay!  Wish I could have watched it live but I was at work and NBC online viewing isn't so great.

4.  I abandoned some of my hotmail addresses a long time ago (usually after I didn't log in for awhile, lost all my saved emails, and got frustrated).  I had multiple since in the days before gmail I would always hit my quota size.  The new Outlook looks great.  It's clean.  Gmail has gotten a little cluttered, especially with my gigantic multiple thousand email *inbox* and the integration of plus and other features.

5.  Bar snacks.  Rice balls, fried calamari, fries, meatballs at the party and a chicken sandwich slider at home.

6.  Third day in a row I took my vitamins! I can't remember the last time that happened.  Months ago, for sure.