Monday, August 8, 2011


I've looked back at my life recently due to some healthy issues that have cropped up. Nothing Earth-shattering or anything, just a quick review of my recent health or unhealth as the case may be.

I joked with M that my parents should have gotten more than the 30 year warranty on me since it seems like as soon as I hit that venerable age everything started falling apart. Let's recap shall we?

- Torn meniscus requiring surgery
- Diagnosed with migraines (to be fair these had affected me prior)
- Diagnosed with IBS

Worst part about this? It's only been a year and a half since I hit 30. Okay, so maybe it's not a lot, but for a person who was in relatively good health for his whole life, it was a lot. Oh well, I guess I need to take better care of myself.