Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I'm normally not one to make New Year's resolutions, but this year was a little different. The older I get the more I realize that I have to take better care of myself. Gone are the days when I was hideously underweight because all I did all day was run around and exercise. I know I've put on weight in recent years after my most recent ankle and knee injuries, but now that I'm mostly healthy it's time for me to really think about my future especially since it's not just me to think about. M always chastises me when I come home from basketball or frisbee limping or in pain. I never really brushed her off, but I usually just told her that it was part of the game(s) that injuries happen.

I guess since we're thinking about moving and starting a family, maybe I need to heed her warnings more and take a bit more care when I do out to play ball. Most of that comes from being in better overall shape before I actually do return to the courts. That's why I made the resolution to hit the gym every other day. It's early in the year, but I've kept up with it. Getting back in shape is important, not just to my ability to get back into basketball, but also for my future of being able to play with any kids M and I have. Maybe it's growing up, who knows. M is important to me. So are our future children that we'd like to have. No matter what we may plan, I'm no good to anyone if I can't move.

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