Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Foursquare Update

Dear Foursquare,

I like most of the new features of the web upgrade and the new iPhone app but, in the event you find this post, here are a few things that need improvement.

1.  Bring back the old trending places list!  One of my favorite things about the old Foursquare was that I could see where everyone was.  The hundreds of people checked into a show or a sporting event or the airport on a Sunday.  It was a good way to see what was going on around town that we might want to check out.  The new "trending" option on explore is not the same and doesn't bring up most of the popular places.  Maybe this is your way of stopping the [insert holiday]-apocalypse places but there has to be another way of doing that.

2.  The grouping of checkins needs improvement.  I understand the motivation - trying not to clutter people's news feed if someone is, for example, on vacation and checking in at a lot of different places.  The problem is that, with the groupings, it groups together too much.  Two checkins 20 hours apart probably shouldn't get grouped together.  Maybe there is a way to group together checkins that are consecutive on the feed and not broken up by someone else's checkin?  That seems to make more sense.  As the days have gone on since the update, it seems like more and more is grouped together.

3.  Specials.  Not really any good way to see what specials are nearby and people do go to places because they have a special.  (I have.)

4.  Mayorships on the app feed.  I don't know if someone is a mayor at the place unless I click into that particular checkin for more details.

That's all I've got for now.  I'm not one of the people who cares about the nearby v. worldwide filter, the fact that it's harder to find the scoreboard, or the change in the check-in button.  But I do think those things need some work.

Hope that helps!

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