Sunday, June 3, 2012


Do you use bath scents that smell like baked goods?

Our current body wash is this bath gel I got free from Sephora as part of my birthday gift one year which smells like vanilla cupcakes.  I don't usually go for super-sweet scents so the first time I opened it, it was overwhelming and powerful (and not in a good way but kind of like that overly sweet frosting on Magnolia cupcakes).  I couldn't imagine using it on my skin because all I could think of was cupcake frosting.  Why would I rub cupcake frosting on my skin if I were trying to get clean?  I think I actually cringed the first time I had to use it.  I don't know that I could use it as a bubble bath (its other use) without feeling like I was stepping into a vat of frosting.

Over time it's gotten to be less of a powerful response but it still smells really sweet and I don't really like using it.  Also, the scent fades a lot once you're out of the shower so you don't walk around smelling the inside of a cupcake shop.

Is this just a matter of personal preference and I'm never going to like this body wash?  If you like these scents (but didn't in the past), how did your tastes change? I only ask because I'm not sure if there is another one of these in the closet and I would really prefer not to waste it...

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