Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I've been a tad delinquent in blogging on either of our blogs. It's really something I'm not used to, though. I enjoy writing, and I want to do it more since I have less of a creative outlet at work, but in the end, I usually just forget. Or if I don't forget, I can never think of anything good to write about.

I mean, so far the only thing I've actually written about is my constant struggle with maintaining healthy knees (or knee as the case is most of the time). I thought about writing that ankle injury post I mentioned, but I just couldn't put that into words right now. Not sure why, but maybe it's just not the right time for it. That or maybe if all I write about are injuries and how I basically don't take care of my body, people will get the wrong impression of me.

But who am I really? The only people that would know are the people that M and I have told about this blog (I think 0 people at present...). Other than that, a random Google search won't really give you any insight into who I am unless you've played sports with me and are familiar with at least some of my many ailments or if you're a family member that has now discovered that we do blog.

So, let's give a basic description of me without giving away too many personal details...

I like playing basketball and ultimate, but ultimate has fallen more by the wayside. I used to play tennis, and I was really good at it too. I probably should pick that back up. I love things dealing with fantasy/sci-fi themes, and I grew up playing Dungeons & Dragons (I'm not ashamed to admit that). I am an avid cartoon watcher, and old-school action cartoons like Thundercats, GI Joe, Transformers, etc. always appeal to me. As for other cartoons, anime is definitely high on my list as well. I like computers and networks, but I'm not nearly as good as most people think I am with them. I love video games, but I have little time to play them these days.

Can't really think of much else that I can say without giving away too much information, but I'm sure I'm missing some minor, less important details. Anyway, I'm again writing a rather pointless post, but I promise to do better about blogging in the future whether it be food-related or not.

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