Friday, November 5, 2010

Weather Dumb

I love watching the Weather Channel.  I've never made any secret of that.  But lately, I seem to be a really poor judge of the weather outside the window, especially in terms of how it will feel and what to wear.
For example, right now, it's 50 degrees, feels like 46.  I wore sweatpants, a fleece sweatshirt and my down coat to work.  It felt really warm.  I mean, after all, it IS 50 degrees and 50's not REALLY cold, right?
But over the weekend there were temps very similar to the current temperatures (and the "feels like" temperature may have even been warmer) and I was freezing in my jeans, fleece sweatshirt and medium fleece jacket.  So cold that I went home to change into a down coat to make it through our outdoors day.
I just don't know what to wear anymore!  I hear 60s and I think it sounds lovely, but half the time I forget that 60s still means a light jacket is advisable.  I used to hear 50s and would think, that's not soooo bad, but then I'd get outside and freeze.  So now I hear low 50s and bundle up and am too hot.  I love fall, but seriously, this is too hard.  Maybe it's because last week it was 70 degrees one day and 50 the next and wind chills in the 30s the next.  I don't know.  I've never felt this clueless when it comes to temperature.  Help!

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