Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Anxiety Dreams

Happy Leap Day! (I'm going to say that all day today just because I can.)

I'm a little troubled by this trend of anxiety-filled dreams lately. I don't fully remember my dream from last night because I woke up so abruptly, but I remember traveling, worries about security, rushing around in a car/cab, and a sense of urgency. Not much to go on, but I know I woke up stressed.

Yesterday I woke up from yet another dream where I missed so much class and was so unprepared that I was in danger of failing. I didn't know where my final exams were. I didn't know what was on the exams. I was flipping through the book in my dorm room (this was undergrad, not law school like it usually is) after the exam had already started, while simultaneously trying to figure out where the damn exam was. I was running around like a crazy person. These "unprepared for school and fear of failure" dreams always feel so real that I have to remind myself they are not really a memory. So much stress and anxiety.

At some point over the weekend I had a different type of anxiety dream. Someone had pulled all of my teeth as some sort of punishment or intimidation tactic. Somehow I was okay and not a huge bleeding and painful mess. It was like the worst part was just losing my teeth. They gave them back to me, all polished and shiny and clean. I was at the time cleaning out my gums and getting rid of anything stuck in them. Then I tried to get the teeth back into their slots in my gums (like a puzzle) and hoped the gums would regrow around them (can they even do that?).

What does this all mean? Why am I so anxious and not sleeping peacefully? What can I do to sleep peacefully? Certainly not melatonin because last time I took that after a trip I had really vivid and weird dreams bordering on nightmares. I want a happy whimsical dream!

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