Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday Night Exhaustion

It always amazes me how people can work all week and manage to make it out on Friday nights. By the time Friday night rolls around, I'm usually ready to pass out. Yesterday, I actually gave in. I was trying to watch Psych (since our incredible shrinking DVR is pretty much full) and around 9:30, I just couldn't do it anymore. I considered going to bed for the night for real but didn't even have enough energy to brush my teeth. So I napped for about 2 hours on the couch, then got ready for bed, and then passed out again until morning. My fitbit tells me my sleep was not very restful though (and hasn't been all week), so that could be a factor in why I felt so terrible all week. If I need to be in bed for almost 11 hours in order to get 8 real hours of sleep, that's a problem!

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