Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hello November

It's a new month (already?!), which means it's a good time to reboot my life improvement project. I've fallen off the wagon a bit lately when it comes to my resolutions.

Here's what I would like to do in November:

1. Resume my water drinking habit. I was trying to drink 4 glasses of water (or iced tea) every day. Lately, I haven't gotten nearly that much.

2. Resume my expense book habit. I had been keeping track of our expenses on a daily basis when I first made this resolution, but lately have gotten lazy about it. Lazy is bad! Must not be lazy!

3. Clean up 5 things per night, provided that I get home/am done working from home by 10 pm. I'm not unrealistic enough to impose this on myself after a long night of work, but if it's early enough, I need to combat the clutter. This apartment is out of control.

I've learned from experience that too many resolutions just don't work and that you need at least 21 days to make a habit stick. (Unfortunately the old ones were sticking until I got off my routine.) Let's hope these work in November!

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