Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm not quite sure what my problem has been recently. Ever since getting sick on vacation I've been rundown and exhausted regardless of how much actual sleep I've gotten. I can't get up in the morning no matter what I try. I also seem to just not be able to get/stay healthy. After recovering from my various ailments that required antibiotics, I still have no energy and I'm still sneezing and stuffed up. It's almost as if I got better for a day or two and then picked up another cold that won't go away. I understand that the weather changes can cause this, but at some point you'd think my body would figure out what to do.

Before you ask, I take daily vitamins and also vitamin C supplements. I also drink tons of water daily, less so on the weekends. I know I need to exercise more, and I know I need to eat better, but come on body, work with me a little. Maybe if I took a full week or two off and did absolutely nothing but rest I would start to feel better, but who has the time for that?

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