Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sorry for the Snow

Dear Northeast,

I'm sorry. 3 days ago, I was watching the Weather Channel and saw the fluffy snow hitting the ground in Colorado and started craving the warm, cozy feeling you get inside on a snowy day with hot cocoa and blankets, and tweeted this:

And then today, the forecast called for cold rain, with the possibility of snow mixed in, which would then turn into snow overnight with a possibility of up to 4-5 inches. But all afternoon, the current weather screen looked like this:

Walking around, our faces stung as the 20 mph winds blew freezing rain and snow into us. It was such heavy wet snow that my snowboots soaked all the way through, so much that I could feel the water sloshing around icily into my feet. Everytime I took out my phone to take pictures my fingers froze. My jeans got completely soaked on the way to the hair salon and didn't dry for hours, so my legs were numb. This was not what I meant when I asked for snow! I wanted big fluffy snowflakes, the type that, when they're falling, make you feel like you're walking in a winter wonderland. The type of snowfall that's just magical, not the type of snow that hurts and chills you to the bone.

Obviously, I don't think I caused it to snow. But I'm sorry for asking for it in October! I'm not mentally ready for this!


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