Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby Steps to Change

It is really hard to make new good habits stick!

The water resolution is going pretty well, thanks to my Nalgene at work and the increased level of hydration to which my body has become accustomed. A minimum of 4 cups of water a day is still not a tremendous amount, but change comes in baby steps.

I've been trying to get a new habit to stick: vitamins. Other than gummy vitamins which taste like candy, I am awful at this one. I have a seven day pill case and am supposed to take them over lunch, but I've forgotten two days in a row and I only started this one on Monday. Yesterday I didn't remember to take them until it was time to sleep and they need to be taken with meals. Why is this so difficult?

I would also like to blog at least once per week here with a new installment of our honeymoon recaps. At the rate we're going, it will be one year after the trip and we will still be recapping Geneva (and we spent less than one day there!). I really don't want to forget any more memories than I already have, so must recap! I also want to blog more as a general matter about our lives, but for a resolution, I will just say honeymoon recaps so I can try to hold myself to it.

Will keep repeating my mantra... Baby steps...

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