Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Water is Good

I've been doing better with my water resolution.  I finally got around to washing out the Nalgene that sat opened on my desk at work for months collecting dust and it's the only thing that seems to work for me.  I tried before with cups of water and keeping track, and I guess I just got lazy and getting to 4 cups was so difficult.  But with the Nalgene, as long as I drink, at a minimum, the whole bottle, then I'm good for the day and I've met my goal.  Must keep doing it!
What is crazy to me though is how quickly my body seems to have adapted to the increase in water.  Now, when I'm not constantly sipping water, I feel dehydrated.  Either that or I'm eating foods higher in sodium during the day.  But before, I would go some days where I didn't drink anything during the entire work day.  I know that's awful but it's true.  Somehow in less than 10 days (and on some days not even reaching my 4 cups) my body has adjusted to a more hydrated state.  Interesting.  I know 4 cups isn't how much water you're supposed to drink each day, but ... baby steps.  21 days to a habit.  Once it's a habit, then I can try to drink more water.
I don't know if the hydration is helping health-wise, but I can say that there's one benefit.  More water means more trips to the bathroom which means higher step count which means better health.  So whether or not the other benefits of increased water consumption are working, at least I know there's one thing going right!

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