Monday, April 23, 2012

Home Stretch

One week. That's how much time we have left until we need to be completely cleared out of our old unit and moved in to our new one. I can't believe that the bulk of our moving time has already passed. It seems like we should have so much more time. My usual lament of "where has all the time gone?" seems especially applicable here since, as we look around our old unit, we still have SO MUCH STUFF. It's not like we haven't been moving. We've both been moving and unpacking just about every single day (I had to skip a day or 2 due to getting home too late from work). How do we have so much crap?!

Our bedroom and bathroom are the most "zen" rooms of the new unit. They're pretty much done other than some little things here and there and started out fairly organized so I'm hoping we can maintain that. Considering the amount of stuff we need to go through and unpack and organize in our living room, I need our bedroom to remain an oasis, a spot of tranquility in our chaotic unit. I've always wanted a room for an escape from the crazy world, but our old unit never got there because we just had so much clutter and so much stuff. I truly believe in de-stuffing and am really trying, but it's just so hard. I did go through 10 magazines between last night and this morning and that felt good. I also went through my Metrocard collection this weekend, photographing them so that I can throw them out. Just one less thing to keep around and find a place to store. Must keep going with Project No More Clutter!

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