Friday, April 20, 2012

I Don't Want the Paper

After getting call after call on our landline with no one there, this morning there was finally someone on the other end of the line. Unfortunately he was trying to sell me the New York Post. I thought our number was on the "do not call" list...

I tried not to let him get too far through his speech and told him we were not interested. Over and over and over. I told him we don't get any papers (true) and have no intention of subscribing to any papers (also true), so we were not interested in his free trial. Why would I get a week of the paper and then put the burden on myself to remember to call to cancel something I knew I didn't want in the first place? After 5 or 6 times, including one where I tried to make clear that it's not HIS paper (although I am not personally a fan of the Post) but any paper, he finally gave in, although he sounded like he didn't believe me when I said we do not get any papers and do not buy any papers to read (true). We don't buy any papers in print. We read what we need to online (this can't be surprising these days). And we certainly don't want newspapers adding to our clutter. We have travel magazines for that.

I know the guy was just doing his job but if someone doesn't get any papers and makes it very clear that they're not going to, probably better to just cut your losses and call someone else. I really thought we put our number on the list to avoid these calls...

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