Monday, April 9, 2012


Moving is such a long process.  We're currently in the middle of our overlap period between the old place and the new place, and every day has brought lots of moving and things to do.  The good news is, we've been really productive and not just sitting online all day.  The bad news is, there's still so much more to go.  Living in our new unit currently feels great.  There's so much space, it feels so much more zen than the old place, so much more organized, and so much more peaceful.  It's full of possibility.  A big part of that relaxing feeling is that all of our stuff and clutter is downstairs.  Oh well.
On the way to work, I tried to make a mental list of the things we've completely finished moving and unpacking into their new organized spaces.  I came up with:
- canned goods
- refrigerator and freezer food
- underwear and socks
- bath and body products (we finally have a linen closet - super exciting - which looks like a cross between a Bath & Body Works and a Walgreens)
- vitamins
- non-prescription medicine
- dishes and glasses
- Wii and accessories
- paper products (like towels and tissues)
- TVs and DVD players
- dresses
There's a lot of things we're almost done with (like food, night tables, etc), but wow, there is SO MUCH more left to do.  Can't wait to get home and get to "work"!

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