Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Little Bottles

I forgot about another bucket of bath and body products (mostly from hotels we've stayed at), but now I think we are finally done with the cabinet in the bathroom.

The top shelf has some random stuff, poorly wrapped bar soaps to be used soon, lotion overflow and sewing kits. (Perhaps this should be renamed the hotel supplies and sample size closet.) The second shelf has face washes, conditioner/creme rinse and dental floss. (By the way, where did we get all that dental floss?!) The third shelf and the fourth shelf are both primarily lotion. This is in addition to bottles of creams and lotions in the linen cabinet (the part that looks like a Bath & Body Works). The bottom shelf has chapsticks, shampoo and a few random items. My main question after seeing all this is: how do we have so much lotion?! It's not like I never use it, so how can we possibly have so much?! I don't think I'm allowed to buy lotion for a long time unless there are extraordinary circumstances (and I can't think of any at the moment).

It does feel really good to say something is completely done. We are also completely done with the bathroom in the old unit other than some essentials (like soap and toilet paper). It's getting there. Slowly, but getting there.

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