Thursday, October 6, 2011

ABC is Unavailable

Our trusty DVR came up with a new excuse today. It's almost like it is begging us to turn it in for a new (or more likely, refurbished) one at this point.

We flipped on the DVR after getting back from dinner and found that it claimed to be actively recording Survivor and Modern Family. That is impossible. Survivor is on at 8 for an hour and Modern Family is on at 9. They do not overlap time slots at all. We guessed that neither had actually taped and the DVR was just being an idiot.

Sure enough, it was, as we tried to play both and ended up with black screens for the entire time. Time to reboot the box. Again. This morning, on demand was completely unavailable, so I guess the box was due for yet another reboot.

Before rebooting we decided to check the recording log since Suburgatory was supposed to record at 8:30 but wasn't on the recorded list. Here is where our DVR showed us that it really can continue to surprise us.

Suburgatory apparently was, according to the log, "not recorded because the channel was not available."

Are you kidding me? ABC was unavailable? In what TV universe is ABC unavailable, Time Warner Cable? If ABC was unavailable, then I guess none of the channels were available! (Which the black screen would seem to confirm.) So we lost out on tonight's Survivor, Suburgatory and Modern Family, and due to box errors yesterday, also didn't get Glee.

Hopefully we can swap our box tomorrow before the DVR comes up with another brilliant excuse. Unavailable. Seriously.

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