Sunday, October 23, 2011

Still Sick

It's Sunday, third day on antibiotics, and I'm still sick. Bleh.

I thought that some combination of 2 prescription medicines, Dayquil, Allegra and Benadryl would have done something by now. I guess it's a little better since a little of the congestion is released and I can now speak without coughing every time, but I was hoping for greater improvement with all the meds, fluids and resting over the weekend.

Of course, a restful night of sleep last night would have helped. I forgot to wear my fitbit last night (well, I forgot until I was already in bed and then didn't want to exert the effort to fix the problem) but I'm pretty sure my sleep efficiency was very low. I got up so many times between coughing fits and calf cramps, and in the middle, had crazy dreams.

Dreams including needing to send something from Midway Island and trying to figure out postage and part of it being Australian postage and part of it U.S. Somehow Vanuatu was also involved. Most of the dream has faded but I remember lots of running around and trying to get things done quickly, and weird shops and long lines. In another part of my dream, A was sharing an apartment with one of my younger cousins J (which makes absolutely no sense) and they decided to live in Washington Heights near the park (WTF?!). Whatever block they were on was really unsafe, but I was having a discussion about knowing people who lived in the area closer to the river who loved it (true). At some point someone was looking for brunch and we were thinking about Red Rooster or Sylvia's. Dreams all over the place!

Hoping for a restful Sunday to continue recuperating!

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