Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Not Ideal Wedding Seating

Last night's dreams were weird.  I remember two distinct threads, but have forgotten most of the story over the past few hours.  Luckily I wrote some random thoughts down after I woke up (before snoozing) to jog my memory.
In the first part, there was a lot of running around.  There was something relating to classes and videos, but mostly I just remember a lot of running around.  I wonder if all the running that I do in my dreams makes it so that I'm not rested when I wake up.  Anyone know if there is any truth to that?
In the second part, some friends of ours were getting married.  (They are a real life couple, so it's not like my dreams were telling me to matchmake.)  For some reason, the invitations went out electronically.  And for some reason, A was invited but I wasn't.  (They're technically his friends originally, so I guess we just thought it was weird but somehow made sense.)  We decided he should go so he RSVP-ed yes.  Apparently we then found out that the program sending the invitations was doing them in batches so mine arrived (much) later.  One would think that would be a good thing, except you were seated in the order you RSVP-ed, which put us clear across the room from one another.  That made me sad because I would want to sit with A at the wedding instead of a bunch of random people.  We figured the idea was for people to get to know other people, which we are totally on board with, except we really wanted to sit together or at least nearby instead of on opposite sides of the room.  If we had known about the seat-as-you-RSVP method, we would have waited for him to RSVP until much later.
So, I felt bummed.  And then I was jolted awake after not hearing 4 loud alarms at all.  Oops.  Really need to do something about that.  Wish we were headed to Europe soon to reset my sleep clock...

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